Stichting N8BM and The Nightlife Clerks are presenting the Corona Crisis Portal for individuals and organizations working in the Amsterdam nightlife scene. Are you an Amsterdam based organization and struggling to keep your head above water during the corona crisis? Then don’t hesitate to contact us. Together with a network of experts who are active in different fields we are able to help you.
We have set up a daily consultation hour in where the experts will answer all your questions regarding the corona crisis and its consequences. Based on your application you will be designated to one of the experts (legal, insurance, finance, tax, etc) and receive a time slot for a personal conversation.
The experts are working on a voluntary base and participation is free of charge.
For more information on how to schedule an appointment, please visit the website.
In the meantime, stay healthy and look out for each other. Together we will conquer the corona crisis.
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Kleine juridische kroniek van het muziekrecht
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